Vendor FAQs

  • How do I contact RMIS?
    You may reach a Customer Service Representative at 866-396-1105, Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST. You may also send an email with your vendor name and vendor ID number in the subject line to QUESTIONS@RMIS.COM. Sending your email to this address during business hours, it will be answered the same day or early the next business day.
  • During registration, I have errors on the screen and cannot advance. Whom should I contact?
    RMIS Customer Service Representative at 866-396-1105. Explain exactly what is happening and a representative can work with you to resolve.
  • Does RMIS have Spanish speaking Customer Service Representatives?
    Yes. Contact Customer Service at 866-396-1105 and request a Spanish-speaking representative.
  • Is there any difference between a vendor ID, RMIS ID and subcontractor ID?
    No. The terms are interchangeable and refer to the unique RMIS ID for a subcontractor.
  • Why is it important for me to mention my vendor ID number each time I call RMIS?
    Your vendor ID is specific to you. It also helps the RMIS representative know if you are checking your status for ATI Restoration, LLC or if you are inquiring about your status for another management company.
  • How do I log in to my RMIS account?
    If you have completed RMIS registration, visit ATISUBCONTRACTORS.COM, select Subcontractor login. You will need your subcontractor ID (RMIS ID) and zip code you registered with during the setup process. Your subcontractor ID is not generated until you have completed all registration screens and chosen submit.
  • My insurance agent submitted my certificate(s) of insurance, why am I not certified?
    RMIS representatives review all COIs and endorsements to ensure that they meet ATI Restoration, LLC’ s requirements. Your insurance agent and you will receive a revision request if the certificate is incorrect. By logging in to the RMIS subcontractor site, you may verify whether your certificate has been received and processed by clicking on the “Check Certification Status” link. Review the Status section to see results or if additional action is required.
  • I submitted my certificate of insurance directly to RMIS, why am I still not certified?
    For authenticity purposes, RMIS only accepts certificates directly from the agent. Please ensure your agent emails certificates directly to PM@RMIS.COM.
  • Both my insurance agent and I have sent the ICS form to RMIS and it still shows pending. What do I do?
    For authenticity purposes ATI Restoration, LLC only accepts ICS forms directly from the insurance agent to the email address
  • What if I am unable to meet one or more of ATI Restoration, LLC’ s requirements?
    If you have any questions about meeting specific requirements, please contact your local ATI office or
  • Why do I need to pay to have my insurance monitored?
    RMIS incurs costs in contacting your agent(s) prior to expiration of your policies and reviewing the certificates of insurance and endorsements to make certain that they meet ATI Restoration, LLC’s requirements. RMIS works on your behalf to keep your insurance from lapsing/expiring so that you can go about the business of providing services for ATI Restoration, LLC. There are times that a submitted certificate needs multiple revisions before it is acceptable by ATI Restoration, LLC’s standards. RMIS does the legwork for you and keeps you informed of the status.
  • How do I pay my annual renewal fee?
    Credit card payments are accepted online or by phone. You may log in to your RMIS account or call an RMIS Customer Service Representative at 866-396-1105. Your annual fee must be current or RMIS will not process any paperwork.
  • My company was already certified. What would make me non-certified?
    Non-certification reasons are insurance expiration, license expiration or non-payment of annual renewal fee.
  • How do I check my status?
    The quickest way to check your status is to log in to your vendor account and click on the “Check Certification Status” link. Alternatively, you may contact an RMIS Customer Service Representative at 866-396-1105 and give them your vendor name and vendor ID number. You may also use the online chat feature to speak with a live agent during business hours. If you become uncertified at any time, you will receive an email notice informing you of all reasons for non-certification; you will continue to receive those emails once every 2 weeks until you become certified.
  • How long will it take the website to reflect my certified status?
    The status displays on the website within 2-3 hours once a certificate is marked approved in the RMIS system.
  • Now that I am certified, when will I be able to start performing work?
    RMIS is only involved in verifying and tracking insurance coverage. Contact your local ATI Restoration, LLC office regarding ATI jobs.
  • How do I submit my invoice once I complete a job?
    Direct all questions regarding invoices to ATI Restoration, LLC at ACCOUNTSPAYABLE@ATIRESTORATION.COM.